Impromptu Speaking
Impromptu speaking is a long-standing Toastmasters tradition intended to help members develop their ability to organize their thoughts quickly and respond to an impromptu question or topic.
The Toastmaster will introduce the Topicsmaster, who will give a brief description of Table Topics and then call on respondents at random.
Your response should express your thoughts clearly and succinctly, lasting one to two minutes.
Prepared speeaches
Every speaker is a role model, and club members learn from one another’s speeches. As a meeting speaker, you:
Prepare, rehearse and present a speech during the club meeting.
Arrive early to make sure the microphone, lectern and lighting are working and in place.
Discuss your goals, strengths and weaknesses with your evaluator prior to giving your speech.
Evaluation is the heart of the Toastmasters educational program. You observe the speeches and leadership roles of your fellow club members and offer evaluations of their efforts, and they do the same for you. As evaluator you:
Ask those you’ve been assigned to evaluate what they will present and what they wish to achieve.
Provide objective verbal and written evaluations for speakers.
When giving any evaluation, offer praise as well as constructive criticism.